Friday, January 16, 2015

Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) Doctor
Duties and Responsibilities: An ENT doctor is a specialist surgeon or physician that is responsible for diagnosing and treating conditions that originate in the head and neck that includes respiratory infections, balance and hearing problems, and thyroid problems. These specialist work long hours and about 43% of these specialists say that they work about 50 hours or more a week. They spend most of their time investigating or diagnosing patients.
Salary: about $300,000
Education:  In order to become an ENT doctor, you must complete and receive a bachelor’s degree which usually takes about 4 year before enrolling into a four year medical school. They must also enroll in a residency program and a specialized program that focuses on the sub field they want to specialize in. Those programs usually last about 2-3 years and are followed by an internship.
Reflection: I would not like to become an ENT doctor because you have to work with people in very delicate areas and I wouldn’t want to do that because I can make a mistake and I wouldn’t want to hurt them. They pay well but it’s a long road to become a specialized ENT doctor you have to 8 years of school plus 2-3 more from programs you must take and that is a lot.


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