Friday, March 27, 2015

April Fool’s Day
April fool’s day is on the 1st day of April. The purpose of April fool’s day is to make pranks, jokes, and harmless hoaxes on people. Some theories based on April fool’s day are that since pope Gregory ordered a new calendar and New Year’s was originally celebrated on April the 1st and since they changed the calendar they moved New Years to the 1st of January. Many people refused to accept the new date and didn’t learn about it and other people started making fun of those tradionalists that didn’t accept the change and started sending them “fool’s errand’s” or trying to trick them into believing something false. Another theory about this date is that a history professor Joseph Boskin explained to his students that April fools begin in Rome during the reign of Constantine, many groups of court jesters and fools told the emperor that they could do a better job at running the empire so Constantine amused let a court jester named Kugel to be king for a day. A pro about April fools is that you can fool and joke around and have a good time, a con is that you may get pranked and you may not like it or you will get hurt.

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